Kik is a private messenger app that enables its users to remain totally anonymous. This makes it appealing to teenagers and easy for predators to send pornography. This week we discuss the dangers associated with an app that only requires a username and email.
Episode 36 - When Your MSSP Fails to Protect Your Data
Hackers exploited a vulnerability in Kaseya’s software on July 3, 2021 and deployed ransomware to 1,500 organizations. To make matters worse, it was revealed that Kaseya was made aware of the security flaw six years earlier in 2015. When a service provider ignores recommendations to fix a known weakness in it's software, the consequences are costly.
Episode 35 - The Importance of MFA (Multi-Factor Authentication)
Episode 34 - Order 66
On June 8, 2021 Amazon quietly launched its shared network called Sidewalk. This service creates a WiFi network using existing Ring and Echo devices that will share a portion of your internet bandwidth. The most frustrating part, unless users opt out their devices will automatically share internet with strangers devices. Shouldn’t Amazon ask for users permission first?
Episode 33 - Patch Management
Episode 32 - InstaKids
Episode 31 - "Alexa, Let's Play A Game!"
Episode 30 - Tattleware
This week we discuss “tattleware” and how some employers are forcing their workers to download apps onto their phone to track their productivity. One of the biggest concerns is the employer rarely knows where this information is stored and how it will be used by a third party. With more companies using tattleware apps the question becomes what is, and isn’t, personal information.
Episode 29 - Another Facebook Data Leak
Facebook recently announced a data leak which resulted in the exposure of 533 MILLION users mobile numbers. These users accounts were first put up for sale back in June of 2020. This week we discuss why it’s important to protect your phone number from companies who request it for causal transactions.
Episode 28 - Security Gadgets
Episode 27 - Chat Rooms
This week we discuss the lack of moderation in chat rooms with popular games like Among Us. The chat function is an open invitation for predators and parents are unaware of what their kids are reading.
Episode 26 - Rise of the Machines
Episode 25 - Censorship in Cyberspace
When you sign up for a social media account, you agree to terms and conditions and if you violate those stipulations you can be suspended or even permanently removed from the sites altogether. This week we discuss if an entity like Facebook or Twitter engaging in censorship infringes on our rights to freedom of speech.
Episode 24 - Ransomware
Episode 23 - Online Scams
This week we deep dive into Internet-enabled crimes and scams. According to the FBI’s Internet Crime Complaint Center (IC3), last year was the highest dollar losses reported since the center was established. Individuals and organizations must remain vigilant and report scams immediately to help create a safer cybersecurity landscape.
Episode 22 - Managing Screen Time
Episode 21 - IoT Devices
Episode 20 - Faces and Fingertips
Episode 19 - Rating the Best Hacker Movies
Episode 18 - Hacktivism
In 1996, cyber-activism gained a reputation and was given a new name: hacktivism. Many innocent people get caught in the crossfire when tech-savvy vigilantes wage a war on information. In this episode we discuss if tactics such as doxxing, defacement, and denial-of-service to break into government or private organization systems should be praised or scrutinized.