Global WebBlocker Exceptions

If you have multiple WebBlocker profiles configured on your firewall, you may have noticed at one point or another that creating exceptions across them can be quite time consuming.  With the release of firmware 12.3, WatchGuard has integrated a very useful feature that reduces your need to create exceptions on every WebBlocker profile.

This new feature implements a global exceptions that can apply to all WebBlocker profiles.  This means that you can make the exception once, and it will automatically be used in all of your WebBlocker profiles.  You will no longer need to edit each one individually if there is something you want to allow or deny across all of your configurations.

Activating Global WebBlocker Exceptions

Before you can take full advantage of this new feature, you must make sure that your WebBlocker profiles are configured to reference the global ruleset.  

1. In Policy Manager, go to Subscription Services > WebBlocker > Configure.

2. Open up the WebBlocker action you would like to edit.

WebBlocker Action Screen Shot

3. Go to the Exceptions tab.

4. Select the box Check Global Exceptions and click OK.

Edit WebBlocker Profile Settings screen shot

5. Repeat this for every WebBlocker profile you have listed.

Using the Global WebBlocker Exceptions List

Now that you have activated this feature on all of your WebBlocker profiles, you can use the global list to make changes to all groups at once.

1. In Policy Manager, go to Subscription Services > WebBlocker > Configure.

2. Click the Global Exceptions button.

Global Exceptions Tab selection screen shot

3. Click the Exceptions tab and add the exception you would like to push to all profiles.

WebBlocker Global Settings configuration settings save

4. Save your policy to your firewall!