One of the subscription services available on a WatchGuard firewall is Geolocation. This is included in both Basic Security Suite and Total Security Suite. Geolocation allows you to block IP addresses based on their country of origin.
DNSWatch Policies
Firebox Administrator Accounts
DNSWatch Content Filtering
Controlling VPN Access with TDR
Active Directory Implementation
Restore a Firewall’s Backup during Firmware Downgrade
MAC Address Filtering
Dynamic NAT
WatchGuard Portal User Administration
Default Threat Protection
Controlling SSLVPN Traffic
Automated Tasks Through WatchGuard Cloud Visibility
Cloud Visibility Reporting and Alerts
Enabling MFA on Your Account
Link Monitoring with MultiWAN and SD-WAN
Updates to WatchGuard WebBlocker in 12.4 and 12.5
WatchGuard has implemented several new features in its WebBlocker content filtering service over the last few firewall revisions. Previously, this service only allowed for two actions: Allow and Deny. Now, WatchGuard has implemented a Warn action, as well as other options for allowing users to bypass if set with appropriate permissions.